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Opsgenie is an alert and on-call management platform. You can use Opsgenie to drive insights into values such as:

  • On-call rotation
  • Escalation policies
  • Alerts in the events timeline


In order to connect Cortex to your Opsgenie instance, you’ll need to create a Opsgenie API key with Read and Configuration Access, and add it under Settings → Opsgenie.

If using the EU region of Opsgenie, just enable the "EU" toggle when adding the API key.


If you do not see the Settings page you're looking for, you likely don't have the proper permissions and need to contact your admin.



The Opsgenie integration supports schedules by using the schedule UUID or the schedule name.

The UUID for the schedule can be found in URL when viewing schedule details by clicking on the schedule name under who is on-call.

id: Cortex-Engineering # Optionally, can use the Schedule UUID instead


You can define the following block in your Cortex entity descriptor to add your Opsgenie group as an owner.
- type: group
name: My Opsgenie Team
provider: OPSGENIE
description: This is a description for this owner # optional

The value for name should be the name of the team defined in Opsgenie (case-sensitive).



By default, Cortex will use the entity tag (e.g. my-service) as the "best guess" value for the backend and service tags on your alerts. For example, if your alert in Opsgenie has the tag backend:my-service, the alert will be automatically associated with the service in Cortex whose unique identifier is my-service.

Entity descriptor

If your Opsgenie tags don’t cleanly match the Cortex entity tag, or you use different identifying tags, you can override this in the Cortex entity descriptor.

- type: opsgenie
tag: different-tag
value: my-service-override-tag

For example, for the tag backend:my-service, the yaml would have tag: backend and value: my-service.

You can add a list of tags to use for lookup. Cortex will use an OR operator when querying Opsgenie, e.g. backend:my-service OR service:another-value.

The value field supports wildcards, like value: my-service-*.