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New Relic



New Relic provides performance tracking. You can use New Relic to drive insights into values such as:

  • Error rates
  • Throughput
  • Apdex
  • Live entities in your environment
  • Embedded dashboards
  • Dependencies


In order to connect Cortex to your New Relic instance, you’ll need to create a New Relic User Token, and add it under Settings → New Relic.

Multi-account support

The New Relic integration has multi-account support so you can add a configuration for each additional instance by repeating the above process.

Each configuration requires an alias, which Cortex uses to correlate the designated instance with registrations for various entities. Registrations can also use a default configuration without a listed alias.

You can edit aliases and default configurations from the New Relic page in Settings. Select the edit icon next to a given configuration and toggle "Set as default" on. If you only have one configuration, it will automatically be set as the default.


If you do not see the Settings page you're looking for, you likely don't have the proper permissions and need to contact your admin.



New Relic application metrics can be fetched for each entity using application ID or tags.

Instructions to find your Application ID can be found in the New Relic docs. You can also find the Application ID in the URL in New Relic. Aliases tie the entity registration to a New Relic configuration listed under Settings → New Relic. The alias parameter is optional, but if not provided the entity will use the default configuration under Settings → New Relic.

- applicationId: 1234567
alias: Default-App # alias is optional and only relevant if you have opted into multi account support
- applicationId: 1234567
alias: Another-App # alias is optional and only relevant if you have opted into multi account support
- tag: tagKey
value: tagValue
alias: Default-App # alias is optional and only relevant if you have opted into multi account support


Cortex can also embed dashboards from New Relic.

- type: newrelic


Cortex automatically syncs dependencies from New Relic into Cortex. By default, we map entries found in New Relic's entity map using the entity identifier (x-cortex-tag).

For example, if you have two entities "entity-one" and "entity-two" that have a dependency edge in New Relic's entity map, we expect both entities to exist in Cortex with the same entity identifiers.