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List entities



List all entities across the Service, Resource and Domain Catalogs.

This API returns summary data for each entity, so refer to the retrieve entity method to lookup more details for a single entity.


Query Parameters

    groups string[]

    Filter based on groups, which correspond to the x-cortex-groups field in the Catalog Descriptor. Accepts a comma-delimited list of groups

    owners string[]

    Filter based on owner group names, which correspond to the x-cortex-owners field in the Catalog Descriptor. Accepts a comma-delimited list of owner group names

    hierarchyDepth string

    Default value: full

    Depth of the parent / children hierarchy nodes. Can be 'full' or a valid integer

    gitRepositories string[]

    Supports only GitHub repositories in the org/repo format

    Example: cortexapps%2Fbackend,cortexapps%2Ffrontend
    includeHierarchyFields string[]

    List of sub fields to include for hierarchies. Only supports 'groups'

    Example: groups
    types string[]

    Filter the response to specific types of entities. By default, this includes services, resources, and domains. Corresponds to the x-cortex-type field in the Entity Descriptor.

    Example: service,rds,s3,domain
    includeArchived boolean

    Whether to include archived entities in the response

    includeMetadata boolean

    Whether to include custom data for each entity in the response

    includeLinks boolean

    Whether to include links for each entity in the response

    includeSlackChannels boolean

    Whether to include Slack channels for each entity in the response

    includeOwners boolean

    Whether to include ownership information for each entity in the response

    includeNestedFields string[]

    List of sub fields to include for different types

    Example: team:members
    pageSize int32

    Number of results to return per page. (Note: If no "pageSize" value is provided, the endpoint will attempt to return all entities.)

    page int32

    Default value: 0

    Page number to return, 0 indexed.


Successfully found entities





  • Array [

  • description string

    Description of the entity visible in the Service, Resource, or Domain Catalog. This may contain markdown.



    Metadata about the entity's git repository

    alias string

    Custom defined alias (this is only relevant if you have opted into multi account support)

    basepath string

    If the entity is in a monorepo (e.g. in a subdirectory), this field defines the subdirectory

    provider stringrequired

    Name of the Git provider

    repository stringrequired

    Repository name as defined in your Git provider

    repositoryUrl stringrequired

    URL of the Git repository

    groups string[]required

    Corresponds to the x-cortex-groups field in the Catalog Descriptor




    Hierarchy details for the entity. Includes both the parent & the children chains.




    Nested children chain for the specific entity.

  • Array [

  • children



    Child at the current depth, and its children.

    definition object
    description string
    groups string[]

    List of groups for this node. Only included if includeHierarchyFields contains groups

    name stringrequired
    tag stringrequired
    type stringrequired
    definition object
    description string
    groups string[]

    List of groups for this node. Only included if includeHierarchyFields contains groups

    name stringrequired
    tag stringrequired
    type stringrequired
  • ]

  • parents



    Nested parent chain for the specific entity.

  • Array [

  • definition object
    description string
    groups string[]

    List of groups for this node. Only included if includeHierarchyFields contains groups

    name stringrequired




    Parent at the current depth, and its parents.

    definition object
    description string
    groups string[]

    List of groups for this node. Only included if includeHierarchyFields contains groups

    name stringrequired
    tag stringrequired
    type stringrequired
    tag stringrequired
    type stringrequired
  • ]

  • isArchived booleanrequired
    lastUpdated date-timerequired

    Last updated ISO timestamp




    Relevant links for the entity. Corresponds to the x-cortex-links field in the entity descriptor

  • Array [

  • name stringrequired

    Human-readable name for the link visible in the Catalog

    type stringrequired

    Corresponds to the type field in a link definition provided in the Catalog Descriptor

    url stringrequired
  • ]

  • members


  • Array [

  • description string

    Description of the team member

    email string

    Email of the team member

    name string

    Name of the team member




  • Array [

  • name stringrequired

    Name of the role

    source string

    Source of the role if pulled in through integration. This will be blank if manually defined in Cortex.

  • ]

  • ]

  • metadata


    Custom data key/values associated with the entity.

  • Array [

  • key stringrequired

    The custom data key, referred to in CQL as custom("key")

    value objectrequired
  • ]

  • name stringrequired

    Human-readable name for the entity



    Entity owners information




  • Array [

  • description string

    Description of the email owner

    email stringrequired
  • ]

  • teams



  • Array [

  • description string

    Description of the team entity

    isArchived booleanrequired
    name stringrequired

    Human-readable name for the team entity

    tag stringrequired

    Unique identifier for the team entity. Corresponds to the x-cortex-tag field in the entity descriptor

  • ]

  • slackChannels



  • Array [

  • description string

    Description of the Slack channel

    name stringrequired

    Name of the Slack channel

    notificationsEnabled booleanrequired

    Whether notifications are enabled for this channel

  • ]

  • tag stringrequired

    Unique identifier for the entity. Corresponds to the x-cortex-tag field in the entity descriptor.

    type stringrequired

    Type of the entity. Corresponds to the x-cortex-type field in the entity descriptor or 'service' for services.

  • ]

  • page int32required

    Current page number, 0-indexed

    total int32required

    Total number of results

    totalPages int32required

    Total number of pages
