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Report Card

The Report Card provides a high-level overview of any givens Scorecard, making it easy to visualize key performance indicators and the top and bottom performers.

To access the Report Card, navigate to Reports under Scorecards in the main nav.

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The page will be blank until you select a Scorecard from the dropdown menu. The range will be set to the last month by default, but you can adjust the timeframe to be between the last 7 days and the last 3 months.

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The Report Card breaks performance down into several categories:

  • Top entities shows up to five entities with the highest scores in the selected Scorecard. This section shows each entity's name, tag, and score.
  • Entities at risk shows up to five entities with the lowest scores in the selected Scorecard. This section shows the entity's name, tag, and score.
  • Most moved shows rules with the greatest percentage change in entities failing the specific rule. This section shows the rule definition and the percent change. In this case, a negative change is a good thing — it means fewer entities are failing that rule (in other words, more entities are passing the rule).
  • Rules most at risk shows the rules with the lowest passing rates. This section shows the rule definition and the percent of entities failing a given rule.
  • Most improved shows up to five entities that have improved the most in the selected Scorecard. This section shows each entity's name, tag, and score. You can also see how many places each entity has moved in rank among all entities.
  • Worst drops shows up to five entities that have dropped the most in score. This section shows each entity’s name, tag, and score. You can also see how many places the entity has moved in rank among all entities in the Scorecard.

Negative percentages in the Most moved section are a good thing - this means fewer entities are failing a given rule.