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Progress Report

The Progress Report shows you how performance on any given Scorecard has changed over time. You can access the report by navigating to Reports under Scorecards in the main nav.

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When you first open the report, the page will be blank. Select a Scorecard from the dropdown menu.

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By default, the report will display performance over the last month. You can use the Range dropdown menu to expand the time period to up to the last 3 months.

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You can also group by Team, owner, or group to see how different parts of your organization are performing over time. You can use the filter to isolate one or more Teams, owners, or groups in the graph.

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When you group, you can also switch between viewing the data as a line graph, or as a table. The table display will show the average score, median score, lowest score, and highest score for entities that belong to a team or domain.

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You also have the ability to filter the report By rule, so you can understand Scorecard performance more granularly.

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