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Executive report

The Executive report offers a high-level view of everything happening in your organization — at a glance, you can see services, resources, deploys, Scorecard performance, domains, and teams.

You can find the Executive report by navigating to the Reports page under Scorecards.

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The report’s Overview section provides key stats, so you can quickly see how many services, resources, Initiatives, groups, and domains you have. Endpoints will help you better understand the network of your dependencies. You can also see the number of unowned non-team entities — these will display green when there are no unowned entities, and red when at least one unowned entity exists in your catalog.

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The overview also provides the number of Deploys in the last month. Clicking on that box will open a modal that displays all deploys in the last month.

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The Scorecards section gives you a snapshot of the average scores for your organization’s active Scorecards, and Scorecards progress shows you how scores have improved over time. The Leaderboard displays the average Scorecard score for each team; by default, this will display the aggregate of all Scorecards, but you can use the dropdown to view the Leaderboard by specific Scorecards.

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Under Deploys, you can track the number of deploys over time. By default, this will evaluate All deploys, but you can use the dropdown to filter by specific deploy groups, such as production, staging, and development.

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The Scorecard Insights section displays top-performing and at-risk entities.

While the Executive Report will provide you a view of your whole organization by default, you have the ability to filter by Teams or Departments by clicking the filter at the top of the page. You can also adjust the time period captured by the report, and share a link to your filtered view with team members.