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ServiceNow is a CMDB (configuration management database) to define, manage, automate and structure IT services.

  • Service discovery
  • Ownership
  • Team membership


In order to connect Cortex to your ServiceNow instance, you’ll need to add an instance name and a username and password with the "sn_cmdb_user" role under Settings → ServiceNow.


If you do not see the settings page you're looking for, you likely don't have the proper permissions and need to contact your admin.


Entity descriptor

In order to discover services, you'll need to specify the ServiceNow tables to pull from and their mapping under Settings → ServiceNow. After doing so, you'll see these services in the "Import Services" flow and can follow the steps to import them.

If you want to register an existing service with ServiceNow, you can override this in the entity YAML by adding:

- tableName: cortex-services
id: 1


In order to import teams, you'll need to specify the ServiceNow tables to pull teams, team members, and their relationships from and their mapping under Settings → ServiceNow. After doing so, you'll see these teams in the "Import Teams" flow and can follow the steps to import them.

You can define the following block in your Cortex entity descriptor to add your ServiceNow group as an owner.
- type: group
name: My ServiceNow Team
provider: SERVICE_NOW
description: This is a description for this owner # optional

The value for name should be the name of the team as defined in ServiceNow (case-sensitive).