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Entity verification

Admins can set entity verification policies to make sure that data in the Cortex app are accurate. Verifications prompt owners and responsible users to check certain information, as determined by the admin.

Data verifications can be created from Entities settings.

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If you do not see the settings page you're looking for, you likely don't have the proper permissions and need to contact your admin.

Click Add verification period to get started.

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Enter a Start date and an End date for the verification period. The Start date must be "today" or a future date, while the End date must be at least one day after the start date.

Name the data verification and enter Verification instructions. These instructions will appear to users on entities' detail pages, so you'll want instructions to be both concise and clear.

Under Roles responsible for verification, you can select the Cortex users who will be responsible for verifying certain data from the dropdown. Select at least one team member role from the dropdown menu; if you select multiple roles, any user who is assigned one of those roles will be able to verify data. If you do not select a team member role, any user who owns the entity will be able to verify data.


You can assign users a custom role with the Configure verification periods permission to refine the set of users who can verify data.

Finally, define which entities the verification policy applies to under Entities to verify.

  • Selection type: Include or exclude entity types.
  • Entity types: Types of entities the verification applies to. These options will mirror the entity types defined for your catalogs.
  • Advanced options: Refine your selection by including or excluding groups.

Once the verification period is saved, it will appear in the list of verifications. Any users responsible for verifying data will be notified when the period begins, and will receive weekly reminders with outstanding verifications.

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The option to verify relevant entities will also then appear for users who have been assigned roles responsible for the verification.

The developer homepage includes a tab for Pending verifications where users can find a list of all outstanding verifications that require attention. Click any of these to go to an entity's detail page.

There will be a button at the top of an entity's detail page when it has outstanding verifications.

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Users can click this button to verify data. If there is more than one outstanding verification, they'll be listed sequentially by due date.

To verify data are correct, click the Entity data are correct bubble and then Submit Verification. If entity data are incorrect, just click Submit Verification.

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Once all data verifications have been processed, the entity will have a Verified badge instead of the button.