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Custom roles

In Cortex, there are four default roles: Viewer, User, Manager, and Admin.

While each of these provides general access to different Cortex features, you can also create custom roles to give individuals more granular permissions. To create a custom role, go to Roles and permissions settings.

From there, select the Custom roles tab.

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Select Create custom role. This will open a modal where you can enter the role’s name, tag, and description, and select the specific permissions for that role.

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Once a custom role has been created, it can be assigned to users from the User permissions tab. Select the role from the dropdown menu next to a given user's name.

It is possible to assign multiple roles to an individual user or team. When multiple roles are assigned, the resulting permissions will be the maximum permissions associated with their assigned role(s). For example, if an individual is assigned two roles with distinct set of permissions, all of those permissions will be applied to that user.

Custom roles for Teams

Custom roles are also supported for Team permissions. To designate a custom role for a team, first navigate to the Team permissions tab, and then Add new team.

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Next, select a Team from the dropdown menu, and select the appropriate role(s) for that team. The role selected at this stage will determine the permission level for all users who belong to that group. Note that a user’s highest permission level will supersede others.

List of custom roles

CQL reports viewView CQL reports
CQL reports writeCreate, update, and delete CQL reports
Configure ActionsCreate, read, update, and delete actions
Configure Scaffolder templatesCreate, read, update, and delete Scaffolder templates
Configure ScorecardsCreate, read, update, and delete Scorecards and Initiatives; does not include score re-evaluation
Configure appearanceModify workplace appearance settings, including logo, plugin placement, entity overview tabs and navigation order, and catalog sort order
Configure catalogCreate, read, update, and delete all aspects of catalogs and entities, including entity type, catalogs and filters, and team hierarchies
Configure pluginsCreate, read, update, and delete plugins
Configure proxiesCreate, read, update, and delete proxies
Configure secretsCreate, read, update, and delete secret keys used in plugin proxies, secure access to third party APIs, etc.
Configure settingsEdit and update workspace settings, authentication and access settings, identity mappings, and integration configurations
Configure verification periodsCreate and edit periods for verifying Cortex entities
Discover dependenciesSync dependencies directly when on the dependency graph feature
Manage discovery audit eventsIgnore or import entities found in the discovery audit tool
Onboarding management submit notifyAbility to notify within onboarding management
Onboarding management viewView onboarding management
Run ScaffolderAccess to the Scaffolder to run a template
Run query builderAccess to the Query builder and ability to run queries; does not include queries of third-party integration data
Run query with external requestsRun basic and advanced queries with third-party integration data; applies to the Query builder and CQL reports
Scorecards refreshAbility to manully trigger a Scorecard's evaluation via the UI
Scorecards reports viewView Scorecard reports
Scorecards viewView Scorecards
View Eng IntelligenceView Eng Intelligence metrics across all teams, users, groups, and entities
Workflows writeCreate, update, and delete workflows