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All Scorecards report

The All Scorecards report aggregates all the Scorecards you have into a single view so you can quickly see the entities that are meeting standards across the board, as well as ones that need further attention.

To access the report, go to Reports under the Scorecards tab in the main nav.

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By default, the report will display entities in the first column, followed by the Average score for each entity across all Scorecards. The following columns display the score for each entity by individual Scorecards. If an entity is not being evaluated in a Scorecard, the cell will display N/A.

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You can also group by domain, group, team, or owner to get a higher-level view of performance by Scorecard. This adds an Entity count column so you can see how many entities belong to a group or domain. You can also filter the report by entities, domains, and groups.

You can export these data to a .csv file or share a link directly with teammates.